Saturday, November 28, 2009

Black Friday at the Zebra Club Recap

Daaaaamn. That's what comes to mind about last night's show. First and foremost, we have some thanking to do.

Thanks to Patty Dodge at PDT Productions for booking the show. is where she operates and I must say on behalf of all of us at Blind Robbery, Patty is exactly what a promoter should be. She doesn't give us any nonsense about ticket sales and we never owe her money at the end of the night, unlike a lot of the other pay-to-play promoters on this Island. Even better, Patty actually promotes the shows! Imagine that! We got some publicity on this thing too. WBAB and GoodTimes Magazine are always fine by us.

Thanks to the Zebra Club in Copiague for housing us for the evening.

Most importantly, thanks to eveyone who showed up last night. Vinny, Bill, Chris Weeks, Deanna 'Queen Freakazoid', Tara, Kate, Steph, Lianne, Gavin, Lauren, Dave White Eagle and in case I forgot anyone we thank you too.

We busted out of the gate with Hollywood and ended with Docta Shocka covering 3 Little Pigs by Green Jelly. We played Darling Nikki, The Distance, Sexy MF, Your Monkey, Ciao Bella, To The Moon, Sinister Waltz, What Am I To Do among others.

Perhaps the most memorable portion of the evening was the addition of a go-go dancer to our set. Craig and I went to ask Patty if we could load in and she countered with “We have a go-go dancer who wants to dance during your set. Is that OK?” The answer was...Matt: “Does the Pope shit in the woods?” Craig: “Of course!”

PS, Long story short, Black Friday at the Zebra was some good times. We kicked out the Jams and had a great time.

Next show is about 95% set up. It looks like it is going to be around the same neck of the woods in Lindenhurst at Lefty's this coming Friday, December 5th.

Until then,

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Friday, November 20, 2009

Blind Robbery Online Merch Store, Contest & Crooked Numbers Update

November 20, 2009

Hey Kids,So, we here at Blind Robbery have come to a very important conclusion. When we say that we are “artists”, we mean it only in a very specific way. Sure, we have it in us to transform your local dive into rumpshakeapalooza but that doesn’t necessarily mean we can wield the brush if you can catch our drift.

We are coming closer and closer to the release of our second album “Crooked Numbers” but are hung up on something that shouldn’t be this much of a roadblock. If you haven’t figured this out by now, eat your Wheaties and think about it. We’ll wait. Time’s up. We have been beating our heads into the nearest dense surface for some time but can’t come up with any decent ideas for album artwork.

Here’s where you come in. We are announcing the first Blind Robbery we suck at art contest. Send us anything, an idea, a picture (photos work), a sketch, your priceless masterpiece whatever you have that you think would make a good album concept. Take what you know about us and the album into account. Send anything you got to

We are looking to turn this around pretty quick so the sooner the better. We set a Thanksgiving deadline on ourselves for the album but that’s looking like it has to get moved back again and all because we have no visual skills at all. It’s a damn shame. So this Thanksgiving season, if you have talent in this sort of thing, pass it down to us because we are clearly underprivileged. Who knows, we could end up using it as our album cover.

Not into album art? We will take anything band related because we have more opportunities for you. With this, we are proud to announce our ONLINE MERCH SHOP!

Now from the looks of this, you can see that we need more ideas and art for this stuff too. Smoke ‘em if you got ‘em and send it all to

Talented in other ways? We’ll use your services for video work too. Want to shoot live video of us or got a video concept that you think we can pull off? Pitch it at us at


Your Neighborhood Blind Robbery Crew:
Matt, Craig, Blum & Holmes

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Update on the Release of our Next Album

To Our Fans,

This one is long overdue, but we are glad to say that we will be releasing our second album entitled ‘Crooked Numbers’ before the end of the year.

It’s been 4 years since we released ‘Ante Up’ and we have gone through the process of recording, writing, scrapping, re-recording, tearing apart and re-recording again for the 4 years since ‘Ante Up’ and the year before that when we were still scrubbing the money to release it between ’04 and ’05.

Since we are in the situation again where we are 95% done with a product with limited means to produce it, we have decided to go about releasing the album in a different format. With a promise to make it available by year’s end, and a goal to make it available by Thanksgiving, ‘Crooked Numbers’ will be released digitally for download via iTunes and other means to be announced. We are planning to release the album on CD but a timetable on the compact disc release remains unclear.

Please know that our intent is to release this project as soon as possible so that the people who are closest to us and who have supported us the most (that would be you) will have the opportunity to have this music without further delay. It’s been 4 years and like I said, it’s long overdue.

The track listing will be as follows:

1. Sans Mayo
2. Hell On Wheels
3. Ciao Bella
4. Sinister Waltz
5. Splitsville
6. Foolish Me
7. Searchlight
8. What Am I To Do
9. Mexican Standoff
10. To The Moon
11. Porch Jam
12. 3 Cheers For Circumstance
13. Spilled Milk

These songs are the product of a long process of experimentation. We recorded the better part of our catalogue and whittled the album down to these thirteen. We have worked hard to choose songs that we feel fit together.

‘Crooked Numbers’ will be a Blind Robbery production from start to finish. It was recorded, mixed and will be released by us. We decided to take complete creative control and work outside of the traditional studio to better capture our sound. Because of this, you can expect this album to sound different than ‘Ante Up’. This album has a more raw and honest sound. We are not hiding behind an auto-tuner nor are we interested in making computers or the sounds that come from them. We are and always be musicians and nothing more.

For those familiar with our set, you will be able to think of songs that we have recorded that are not included. These tracks are in our vault (yes, we now have one) for possible future release. The album includes the track “Sans Mayo” which we have never played live and also includes guest appearances by Killer Joe and Kaitlynn and Michele of Play Like Feeling. In addition, the album includes “Spilled Milk” which was cut from the final production of ‘Ante Up’.

We hope that you find our work on “Crooked Numbers” as worthwhile as we found the recording of it. We look forward to seeing you at the next show.

Matt Jennings
Brian Blum
Brian Holmes
Craig Adams

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So this is the blogosphere huh?

In that case, a formal introduction may be in order. We are Blind Robbery, a Rock band from Long Island New York. We play Rock with some funk, blues and jam mixed in there. We don't enjoy long walks on the beach so if that's what you're into we suggest you piss off now.

The royal we in question is comprised of Craig Adams, Brian Blum, Brian Holmes and Matt Jennings. This incarnation of the band has been making music and trashing stages for 6 years. That's about as old as your average Jonas Brothers fan and the same age as the mindset of all Lady Gaga's adoring masses.

We loathe and despise most of everything that is passed off as today's music and will have no problem relaying this anger to you. We hope you feel the same. As for this local 'scene' that we are somehow a part of here on Long Island...well we hate that stuff just as much. Between pay-to-play promoters and bar owners and the omnipresence of plastic, trendy scenesters and their mind numbing taste in sound, it's enough to make one want to retire to a life of incontinence. We didn't even begin talking about the toolbags either.

So, maybe you'll agree with us and maybe you won't. Maybe you'll think we rock and maybe you'll think we suck. We really don't care. But what the hell? Like Doc Thompson said, "Buy the ticket, take the ride."


Monday, March 23, 2009

Blind Robbery Notes 3-23-09

We haven’t done this yet but why not start now? We had a pretty bad week starting on the 14th. We got word that George Clinton was backing out of the show at the Crazy Donkey on the 15th. Beware the Ides of March I guess. We went to try to practice on Monday the 16tth and got shut out of the Nutty because the 17th was some sort of big deal at the bar. We couldn’t possible see what could be more important to that place than having us practice there, but we weren’t going to stir the pot there.

Our personal lives gave us some obstacles this week and we really got nothing accomplished but then came Friday. We finally got a chance to let out all the bullshit that had been caking up under our collective noses. We’ve been sniffing it for too long is you know what I mean. The fumes were messing up our minds and bringing us down.

We played in Coram at O’Brien’s and had a blast. We played tight and I always love playing there because the snare sound tends to get drilled into people’s heads for about 10 to 15 days afterward. We told you to bring earplugs. My cymbal came crashing of the stand at one point.
It’s always something in this band. We can’t have nice things.

We thought we would be too tired to give a good effort the next night in Lynbrook but we really surprised ourselves. We played at the Purple Frogs and it was a pretty good stage. We had our long overdue reunion with the mighty Harold’s Trousers and if you don’t know…you better ask somebody (or use this ).

The Trousers were great as always and I was glad to see them back in action. They brought a heap of people with them too, so there was a good crowd by the time we went on. They stuck with us through the set which is unusual. We normally have the place cleared out in about 10 minutes if we don’t have the home court advantage, but the Trouser crowd was amazing.

Towards the end of the set we started to get chanting for the Doc. We decided to put him on and played ‘You Don’t Always Die From Tobacco’. When I got the normal confused looks from the people at just the right time we slammed into the ‘3 Little Pigs’ and the place went ape. The pit was more enthusiastic than the ones we’ve been seeing and I was just waiting to see someone’s face get ripped off like that monkey did a couple of weeks ago, but no luck. Just a bunch of guys and swinging fists.

Blum had to break the point of no return rule and Blind Robbery was forced back to the stage to finish with “The Greeting Song” from the RHCP. The place went nuts again and we called it a night.

Also, it is certainly worth nothing that we got the see The Redlights play. We were supposed to see them play on the Clinton show too but we all know how that worked out. What a kick in the nuts, but after seeing them play they are worth the wait and we look forward to working with those guys again. Hell, they were even there at the end of our set. The Redlights are all right in my book.

So that leaves us with a few shows in the works. One will be Saturday night in Patchogue. Invites coming soon and Halloweaster and my Birthday in the works also. We’ll keep you updated. If you still need your refund, get in touch with our lazy selves because we need to get this P-Funk thing behind us. Also, a plethora of merchandise is on the way with online ordering so stay tuned. Last but not least…Crooked Numbers will drop… I’ll keep you waiting.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Blind Robbery just got Donkey Punched!! P-Funk Show is OFF!

We just got the call from the Crazy Donkey; George Clinton has pulled out and cancelled the show.

You read that right, the show is now off - canceled, history and not going to happen to be absolutely clear. No word yet if or when it would be rescheduled, but I wouldn’t hold your breath.

We will be issuing full refunds to all as soon as we get the money back from the promoter. We will make every arrangement to get your refunds to you as fast as possible and we will work just as hard to do that as we did to get them to you.

We are all pretty pissed off right now and will be for a while about this. We apologize on behalf of whoever or whatever was the cause of the cancellation.

We came close to fulfilling a dream of ours; one that we had been visualizing for years, a decade in my case and now the rug has been pulled out at the last minute. We were so proud to have gotten everyone on board and pumped up about this and we remain so thankful to you for all of your support.

The good news is that we will still be playing the Sound Beach Inn on Friday night and the Purple Frog in Lynbrook on Saturday. Harold’s Trousers will also be with us on Saturday and I can guess that they are just as pissed as we re right now.

The Donkey is at (631) 753-1975 if you want to hear firsthand. We will let you know what really went down when and if we ever find out.

Again, somebody who isn’t us sucks for some reason that is unknown to us now but there is no show tomorrow.

We thank you for all of your support and check out one of our upcoming shows. We will keep you posted.
