Wednesday, September 23, 2009

So this is the blogosphere huh?

In that case, a formal introduction may be in order. We are Blind Robbery, a Rock band from Long Island New York. We play Rock with some funk, blues and jam mixed in there. We don't enjoy long walks on the beach so if that's what you're into we suggest you piss off now.

The royal we in question is comprised of Craig Adams, Brian Blum, Brian Holmes and Matt Jennings. This incarnation of the band has been making music and trashing stages for 6 years. That's about as old as your average Jonas Brothers fan and the same age as the mindset of all Lady Gaga's adoring masses.

We loathe and despise most of everything that is passed off as today's music and will have no problem relaying this anger to you. We hope you feel the same. As for this local 'scene' that we are somehow a part of here on Long Island...well we hate that stuff just as much. Between pay-to-play promoters and bar owners and the omnipresence of plastic, trendy scenesters and their mind numbing taste in sound, it's enough to make one want to retire to a life of incontinence. We didn't even begin talking about the toolbags either.

So, maybe you'll agree with us and maybe you won't. Maybe you'll think we rock and maybe you'll think we suck. We really don't care. But what the hell? Like Doc Thompson said, "Buy the ticket, take the ride."


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